Monday, October 26, 2009

My Son's Toucan

My son Elek is always wanting to draw along side of me while I'm working on the sketches at home. Here is his toucan artwork!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


We work with what we have- "The father of invention is necessity" right? The acrylic paints which were donated by Liquitex are being used for the detail of the animals as well as some of the fading values!

Chris Lee

Here is Chris Lee hard at work on the sand (middle ground) . He also started on filling in the distant trees- he will be also working on the mural next week! - Thanks Chris!

Further Away

So that the proportion can be seen- here is a picture a bit further away- also the beginnings of the flower can be seen!

One Macaw

One macaw finished after about an hour or so of work.

Marcia Keough

Marcia painting away! We were able to get a lot done this weekend, I am hoping that she will be back next weekend to help with the longest wall of Jungle!

Finished Tree Frog

Each weekend more and more gets finished! This weekend there were two students taking the art advocacy course with Dr. Davis who cntributed their time and energy. I got to work on this little guy who I named "Croak" after my cousin Kirsten's last name.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kiba painting!

Seeing the Difference

As I work to get the remaining images transferred to the wall- I will show the original sketches that I used as reference for the design
- next to the painted in versions.

Paint vs.Color Pencil


After the first weekend of working- the first animal gets painted in by Joanna- the Toucan. This next week will be the first week that the children of the center will see the painted walls! I am very excited to hear about their reactions.

New Aditions to the Advocacy Family

As I work on transferring my sketches to the wall, I am taking into account the doorways, lighting fixtures , plaques, etc and trying to place the subject matter in places which seem best suited for the imagery.

Hallway View

Kiba Jacobson


Now that the majority of the entryway has been painted as far as the more solid areas, now the foreground and the details which exist therein will be beginning to be worked on.
The grass has now been added and the details of animals, flowers and other refining applications will soon follow.

Joanna Hyatt

Joanna is the first to contribute her time and skills to helping with the mural. She will be putting in 20 hrs. which will be able to be applied to a community service requirement for a course she is currently taking at UNT. She says that she hopes to be able to put in more time than that as well and feels very passionately about the project.

Liquitex Donation

This is one of the two sets of acrylic paints donated from Liquitex for the project. The package arrived on Wednesday October 14th- the week prior to the start date for the mural!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

applied swatches

Jungle Palette

These are the nine colors which will be used for the Jungle wall! This palette represents the basic set of colors that will be used throughout this project. There are some examples of the placement of these colors throughout the Jungle sketch in the following images.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Knowing that the painting will soon be underway for the entry is a good feeling. I am finalizing some details as well as filling in areas on the sketch. I believe that the starting dates will be October 15th, 16th and 17th. Today I go to pick up swatches for house paint that Home Depot will be contributing. The final decisions on the colors for the background will be chosen soon!!